Sunday, my husband and I attended an outdoor concert at Bartlett Arboretum where we heard the bluegrass music of the Steel Wheels. If you haven’t heard this group, go to Amazon Prime Music and listen. They are seriously amazing. Not only was the music amazing, but the location was beautiful. You are surrounded by trees that seem to touch the sky. And another amazing part is that the tickets were only $10 a person, and kids 10 and under are free. They have many concerts throughout the summer.
After attending this concert at the Arboretum, I decided that over the next couple weeks when I am writing down all the events my children and I want to do over the summer in my planner, I need to make sure to include as many music and art events as possible. Letting the kids experience music and the arts is so important. I know that my own musical knowledge is increased with every concert I attend.
After googling and compiling information from a few different lists, I decided to compile and share my list of all the music concerts, ballet and art events in the area. If you have any more to add, please feel free to send me a message.
Here is the link to the Wichita Area Summer 2018 Music and Arts Events
The link will be updated as the summer goes on. Please pass along the information, and post the link to this blog if you would like to post it on social media.